
General Committee

The General Committee consists of: – President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Men’s Captain, Ladies Captain, Men’s Vice-Captain, Ladies Vice-Captain, Competition Secretary, Fixture Secretary plus plus two men and two ladies elected at the Annual General Meeting. 
Seven to form a quorum. At every meeting of the Club the President will preside, or in their absence, a Chair elected by a majority of those present shall preside.


President Bill Dixon 01288 359080 
Vice President Fran Goldthorp 01288 356301  07813 874749
Secretary Richard March 01288 356015  07843 741615
Asst. Secretary Tricia Dixon 01288 359080  07821 891938
Treasurer Bill Dixon 01288 359080 
Men’s Captain Brian Wonnacott 01409 221037  07891 305201
Ladies Captain Gill Hodgkinson 01288 358487  07849 547141
Men’s Vice Captain Bill Bonsor 01288 358309  07585 586447
Ladies Vice Captain Jenny Horncastle    07789 644135
Fixture Secretary Brian Wonnacott 01409 221037  07891 305201
Competition Secretary Richard Cadd 01288 488176  07961 909202
Club Coach Fran Goldthorp 01288 356301  07813 874749
Benevolent Officer Cynthia May 01288 354521 
Safeguarding officer Tessa Carley    07836 366872
Child Protection OfficerTessa Carley    07836 366872
Press & Publicity OfficerNigel Worth 01288 354213  07989 311779
General Committee Jonathan McConnell   07866 604282
       (2 Men,2 Ladies) Brian Weeks    07902 693985
  Sue Plumstead 01288 353934 
  Barbara Phoenix 01288 352774  07762 107751
Selection Committee Richard March 01288 356015  07843 741615
       (3 Men,3 Ladies) Kevin Hodgkinson    07514 293336
  Brian Carley 01288 331110  07771 640170
  Tricia Dixon 01288 359080  07821 891938
  Fran Goldthorp 01288 356301  07813 874749
  Sue Plumstead 01288 353934 
Competition Committee Dave Hodge    07939 562666
  Barbara Phoenix 01288 356015  07762 107751
Kitchen Manager Cynthia May 01288 354521 
Draw Organiser Cynthia May 01288 354521 
Auditor Brian Wonnacott 01409 221037  07891 305201
Short Mat Organiser Anne Cadd 01288 488176  07875 053537
Bar Manager Nigel Worth 01288 354213  07989 311779
Sale Table Managers Anne Butler 01288 355254